What We Do - What's Included

One size rarely fits all.
Just like people, every business is different. Some business are simple others are very complex. Some people like huge detail and to talk often where others are not so chatty. Some are organised and others are a little disorganised.
Whatever the situation and your preferences, we want to do a good job by you. We want you to be a happy and loyal customer for many years to come. So what we promise is that if you tell us what you need from us, providing we agree we can do it, then we can agree a price that includes everything we have agreed.
Be it dropping in paperwork each month to us, or us collecting paperwork from you, us doing the book keeping or us simply doing your Self-Assessment each year, in every instance you will have a price.
We do not charge extra for the fact you are likely to have questions and the odd requirement along the way. We think that should be part of the service – to help where we can. We think this is a fair, transparent and honest way to treat our customers and we hope you do too.